
10 Ways to Earn More Likes for Your Brand Facebook Page

Do a quick check on the number of likes that your brand’s Facebook page. Is it decent? Do you feel you need to step up a bit? Do you think that there is room for growth?

If your business makes use of social networking sites as a marketing platform, you ought to know that the number of likes on your brand’s Facebook page is an essential indicator of how well you’re doing. It says a lot about how much you’ve accomplished with your social media marketing initiatives. It also tells you how the minimum number of people your social media campaigns can reach, and starting on a high number will give you a significant head start.

The number of likes your page commands is really important. And on that understanding, we are here to help you bring that number higher. We would like to share with you 10 tips on how your brand’s Facebook page can earn more likes.

Optimize your Brand’s Facebook Page

The first few things that your audience will see on your brand’s Facebook page are the profile photo, cover image, and the description you set. That is why you should make sure that these are optimized first. Make sure that you use high-quality images and a well thought off description.

And on that note, we would also recommend that you provide as much information on your business as you can share. Make sure that you provide accurate categories and subcategories. Ensure that your website’s URL is included. Don’t forget to provide your address, your business’ contact information, and if applicable, your business’ hours of operation as well. All these information will be visible to your audience and will assure them that this is the legitimate page of your brand. For your reference, here’s a sample of what you should do to optimize your brand’s Facebook page:

Make your Facebook Page searchable

This should be very obvious, but not a lot of business find the importance of making your page easy to find. Your audience cannot like your page if they cannot find it.

To make your page searchable, make sure that your page name is simple and really is your brand’s name. Keep it simple and avoid adding any word beyond your brand name. Also, make sure that you make use of a catchy username that can easily be remembered by your audience. This username will appear on your Facebook page’s URL so make sure that it is not a far cry from your brand name.

Take Advantage of the Facebook Follow and Like Buttons on your Website

While Facebook can help drive potential customers to your site, it can also happen the other way around. Make it work both ways by including a button to help users like your page and follow it as well. You can also do it on other platforms such as blogs, on your emails, and on your other marketing initiatives. Always invite them to like your Facebook page.

Create High quality and Engaging Content

What really drives a lot of likes is high-quality content. Come up with posts that can provide value for your readers. Make content that is really worthy of being liked – something informative, something interesting, or something unique. You would have to take your creativity to the test.

Furthermore, you should do this often. Consistently posting high-quality content will help you earn more and more likes. If you do this, your audience will definitely follow your page in anticipation of all the great content you will provide.

Use Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram together

Include Images, Videos, and other Rich Media on your Posts

When we mentioned content in the last item, we don’t just mean textual posts. You should also consider making use of images, videos, and other rich media when you post as these bring in a lot of likes, especially if you make use of like-worthy objects. So make use of infographics and video clips – just make sure that these can bring in the likes you need.

Be Active

Your audience will adore you if you constantly come up with high-quality posts. Your page will lose followers if you do not post regularly. So make it a point that you post thrice a week at the very minimum. Your consistency will be appreciated, and it will be evident on the number of likes your page commands.

Facebook, through its Page Insights function, also shows you the activity of your audience. It can show you the day of the week with the most active users so you can make sure to prioritize these days when you post.

Promote your Facebook Page Offline

If you are also engaged in the marketing through physical media such as flyers, posters, billboards, newspaper, magazines, and the like, don’t forget to take this opportunity to promote your Facebook page in there as well. It is a good idea to tap all channels in bringing them into your brand’s Facebook page so you can easily tap them on your marketing initiatives there.

Cross Promote on other Social Networking Sites

Similarly, don’t forget to mention to your other social media sites that they should also visit your Facebook page. It is recommended that you also maintain a respectable Twitter and LinkedIn profiles and that you make use of each of these platforms to connect to the other. Also, make use of your personal page to invite your friends to like your brand’s pages.


Run a Contest to Get More Fans and Followers

It may sound like a gimmick, but holding a Facebook contest is actually an effective tactic to help boost the likes of your Facebook page. Some of the contests you can run are the following:

  • Like the page, and get a chance to win – Simply ask your audience to like your page, and that you will randomly choose one of the likers to win your prize. This will directly increase the number of likes especially if you have an enticing prize for the winner.
  • Post a comment and get a chance to receive a prize – Instead of asking them to simply like, you go beyond and ask for a comment, which is usually an answer to a question, an opinion on an issue, or a sharing of an experience. You then choose the best comment.
  • Caption-making contest – Ask them to come up with the most creative caption and choose the one most worthy of a prize
  • Best Photo Challenge – Instead of asking them to come up with a witty caption, why not ask for the best photo instead? This is especially great if you can ask for a photo with one of your product offerings.

Contests like these are highly engaging and while some do not directly ask for them to like your page, they would most likely do as they feel a bit more connection with your brand. Just a reminder, you should be true to your words so really let there be a winner for all the contests you’ll hold.

Facebook Ads is a Must

Finally, we recommend that you also make use of paid advertising on Facebook. This can help you pinpoint your target market to be able to reach them. It’s great to earn a lot of likes, yes, but it is best if your likes are from those your products are actually specialized for.

Facebook ads can help you filter out from the millions of Facebook users which ones would fall under the demographic that your products appeal to. This enables you to be able to transform more of your audience into actual customers. In the case of Facebook ads, it pays a lot to pay a little.

Author Bio

John Vuong is the sole owner of Local SEO Search Inc. John’s mission is to help local business owners improve their online influence so they can dominate their industry. With his business acumen and innate understanding of the local business landscape, John writes blogs that delve on how to customize SEO campaigns based on client needs.